BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: To be Announced
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details

Committee and Contacts

The people responsible for BristolCon, and their contact emails, are listed below. All email addresses are of the form xxxx[at]bristolcon[dot]org. You can also follow us on twitter @Bristolcon.

  • ChairMEG [chair@]
  • Vice-ChairBav [chair@]
  • TreasurerMEG [treasurer@]
  • Art ShowAndy Bigwood [artshow@]
  • Dealers: Colette Reap [dealers@]
  • Web content & Ops: Nik Whitehead [website@] or [ops@]
  • IT and Web Development: Chris Rumble [website@]
  • Programme: Dan [programme@]
  • Membership: Chris Rumble [membership@]
  • Audio / Visual Tech: Simon [technical@]

If you're interested in joining the team as a committee member or as a crewmember during the convention itself then please email [chair@].

BristolCon staff will be attending many events throughout the coming year.