BristolCon 2025
(Saturday October 25th to Sunday October 26th 2025)

**Sign up now**

Guest(s) of Honour: John Higgins, J E Hannaford and Ben Jeapes
Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Bristol
Location details


Maintenance Completed

Planned Maintenance has been completed,

Thank you for your patience


Code of Conduct

Be Excellent to each other

BristolCon exists for the enjoyment and enrichment of the membership. As such we have a code of conduct to ensure that everyone knows what behaviour is expected and what experience they can anticipate.

It is important that you read and understand this Code. We trust that anyone who attends BristolCon, or related activity such as the Fringe, will follow this Code for the entire duration of the event, including any informal activities before or after.

BristolCon is a safe and inclusive space. We pride ourselves on the friendly and respectful atmosphere of the convention.  BristolCon is committed to providing a harassment-free convention for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion.


Harassment and inappropriate behaviour

We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants (members, committee members, participants, hotel staff, any other staff) in any form.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive verbal comments;
  • Deliberate intimidation;
  • Stalking, including following someone;
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events;
  • Inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention;
  • Misgendering or deadnaming;
  • Photographing or videoing members without their consent;
  • Body-shaming;
  • Sexually graphic or inappropriate images in a public space;
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above bad behaviour;

We do not act on complaints concerning the following;

  • “Reverse discrimination”
  • Cisphobia
  • Reasonable communication of boundaries such as “leave me alone”, “go away” or “I’m not discussing this with you”
  • Refusal to explain or debate social justice concepts;
  • Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial;
  • Criticising racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behaviour or assumptions;

If you believe that you are being harassed by another person, and you wish to seek assistance, please see convention staff (BristolCon committee members wear orange lanyards marked staff.)

If you are not comfortable raising a matter at the time, please contact us after the event at You can also call the BristolCon mobile on 07776412631

Should you report any harassment, you will be treated with respect and your concerns will be taken seriously. The names of all people involved will be kept confidential..

Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. We reserve the right to revoke the membership, with no refund, of anyone who does not adhere to this policy.


Themes that might not be suitable for younger attendees

BristolCon is happy to accept attendees under the age of 16 with a parent or suitable guardian, and our panels, workshops, art room, dealer room, and quiet spaces are open to them.

We do not operate a maturity policy and have no tabled events during the convention considered only appropriate for adult eyes or ears. If you feel that something is inappropriate for a younger viewer we respectfully ask that you remove the person from that room.

If you feel the content or discussion is in breach of the harassment policy we welcome you to engage immediately with the Convention staff who will investigate as per the policy on harassment and inappropriate behaviour.



BristolCon is fully committed to ensuring everyone can fully access the convention.

If you have any particular needs please seek out a member of the convention staff who will be happy to help to the fullest of their ability.


Cameras and mobile devices

  •  Please ensure all mobile devices are set to silent during events.
  •  Do not take video footage or photographs of panels without seeking authority from the panel moderator. (Please ask before the panel starts)
  •  No photography is allowed in the Art Room. Please engage with the individual artist if you wish to take a picture of their work.


If the Code is broken

Violation of this policy can result in action by the convention committee ranging from a warning to having your access revoked, to permanent banning. Action by the convention in no way precludes the injured individual from pursuing whatever remedies, civil or criminal, as they see fit.

Please note that other behaviors, including but not limited to the destruction of the virtual con space, can also result in the actions described above.